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Số ra No. 12 
Tên bài báo Solutions to enhance the 4th year english majors’ translation capacity from Vietnamese to English in scientific text at Thai Nguyen University of Education 
Tóm tắt Science has always been identified as a key to a country’s innovation, especially in the process of industrialization and modernization. Thus, scientific text is increasingly focused not only on the content but also on the formin order tomeet the needs of information exchange between countries. As the result, scientific text translation has become a major part of translation subject at any language universities, especially at Thai Nguyen University of Education (TUE). This research was carried out to a) explore the reality in literal translation from Vietnamese to English in scientific text of the 4th year English major at TUE via their study results and attitudes, to b) find out the difficulties that students have to face in the process of translating without changing the meaning of the Vietnamese scientific text and to c) offer potential solutions to help students improve their literal translation capacity from V to E in scientific text. The participants of this research were the 4th year English major at TUE. Questionnaire, observation and interview were used to gather data. Findings indicated that more than 90%of participants admitted that translating from Vietnamese to English in scientific text is the most difficult part in translation subject. In term of statistic, the translation ability of 50 students in English k49 is quite similar. Nevertheless, they are not satisfied with their levels and desire to have some solutions to help them overcome the difficulties in translation. Additionally, the research also revealed the 4 main obstacles during students’ translation process, namely the shortage of specialized terms and knowledge, the lack of translation skills, the limitation of choosing the equivalent grammatical structures and the psychological problems. Basing on the finding, the researchers suggested some solutions to help English majors enhance their scientific translation capacity. 
Tác giả Pham Thi Kieu Oanh, Dinh Thi Hue, Tran Thi Xuan Hang, Dinh Thi Thuy Duong 
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Chuyên ngành Quản lý giáo dục 
Từ khoá Written translation, scientific text, capacity. 
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  Journal of Education Management
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