Số ra |
No. 9A |
Tên bài báo |
Factors affecting student satisfaction in online education - the case of National Academy of Educational Management |
Tóm tắt |
The Covid-19 pandemic has forced educational institutions across the world to switch to online
instruction to maintain the progress of teaching and learning and fulfill educational targets. Online learning
requires many changes in educational management to maintain quality while still aiming for student
satisfaction. This article studies the relationship between components of online teaching and learning and
student satisfaction |
Tác giả |
Le Vu Ha, Nguyen Thanh Thuy |
Mã DOI |
10.53750/1859-2910.2021.13.9A-94 |
Chuyên ngành |
Quản lý giáo dục |
Từ khoá |
Learners’ satisfaction, online teaching, online learning. |
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